Infinity Dreams Award


It’s official: Something By Chrisi now has its first award!

Thank you so much to my friend Grace for nominating me for the Infinity Dreams Award.  If you haven’t already, you should definitely check out her blog:  She does some amazing writing, and is one of the sweetest people I know.

Acceptance Rules:

Thank and link to the nominator (see above).  List 11 facts about yourself, answer the nominator’s 11 questions, and nominate someone else with another 11 questions.  This award’s definitely got a thing for the number 11.

So, first off, 11 facts about myself!

1.  I’m a Missionary Kid (MKs Unite!)

2.  I love East Asian cultures and always want to learn more about them.

3.  I’m currently learning Korean, but I also really want to learn Chinese (though not without the help of a native speaker because I really, really don’t want to learn the tones incorrectly).

4.  I’ll be a Super Senior next year but will graduate from college while I’m still 21.

5.  I want to get my Masters in TEFL so I can teach English at an international school or university in East Asia.  Right now I’m really leaning towards China, South Korea, or Japan, but I’m definitely open to wherever God leads.

6.  My favorite color is black, followed closely by red.

7.  My taste in music is all over the place: from Asian pop, steampunk, Christian rock, and video game scores to opera, film soundtracks, worship music, and epic music.  The only genres that I really don’t like are hip hop, most rap, and American pop.

8.  I could literally live my whole life on egg rolls, sushi, wontons, and ramen.

9.  God’s been working on me quite a lot this semester, a lot more than the past twenty years combined (or so it seems).  It’s very difficult sometimes, but I keep being reminded to slow down and just enjoy living life with Him.  I’m excited for what the day holds for me now.

10.  I’m a theatre junkie.

11.  I talk during movies unless I’ve been asked not to.  The only time I don’t talk through a movie is when I’m in a theatre, and if anybody does talk in the movie theatre I get kind of ticked off.

Now for Grace’s questions:

1. What is one of your favorite/craziest/worst dreams you’ve ever had? (You can answer as many as you want and/or as apply.)

I don’t usually dream, and when I do they’re usually nightmares of some sort.  The only one I actually remember involved running through a world that looked like red and black static.  I was with a human-sized, psychotic, black mouse who would not stop laughing, and we were being chased by a skeleton who always had his mouth open.  The only time that this mouse and I managed to get even farther ahead of the skeleton was whenever we passed through a big square door frame that suddenly appeared.  I had that dream twice when I was about 14 or 15, so that’s the only reason why I remember it.

2. Have you ever met any well-known people (even if this is just well-known in your general area)?

Ummmmm… I know I got a football player’s autograph once, but that was a long time and he wasn’t very well known.

3. What is your middle name (no I’m not stealing it! I’m just borrowing it, you might say)?

Kaylee (but it’s a secret, shhhhhhh… ;P)

4. Would you rather be able to go into any picture and walk around in that world, or go into any fictional world at a time where the characters you know of are either dead or not born yet?

I’d rather go into the fictional world.

5. Who’s your favorite Avenger? Or, if you don’t do Marvel, your favorite superhero. Or your favorite, um, superpower. Or all of the above, I’m being generous today. =)

Favorite Avenger is Captain America.  If we’re being technical, then Deadpool is my favorite super hero (followed by the Winter Soldier).  But if you still consider them to be “bad guys,” then I’d have to say Nightcrawler.  And my favorite super power is regenerative healing, like what Wolverine, Deadpool, Agent Zero, and Sabretooth have.

6. Do you watch Studio C and/or Blimey Cow?


7. What’s your favorite YouTube channel (aside from those in #6)?

Uhhhh… I don’t usually do much of anything on YouTube.  But I’d have to say Toonboxstudio (he does drawing tablet tutorials) and sometimes Markiplier (who does… a lot of stuff, honestly).

8. What song most often gets stuck in your head?

Depends on the genre, honestly.  “The Stand” comes to mind often, as does “MAMA” by EXO-M (the Chinese branch of EXO), “Fantastic Baby” by BIGBANG, and “Riot” by Tedashii

9. Would you rather meet a movie star or a writer?

Probably a writer, just because I’d then be able to ask him about any problems I may have with my own writing.

10. Referencing your answer to #9, who would you meet?

Tolkien, if I could, but he’s kinda dead right now so that probably won’t work this side of Heaven.  ;P  Otherwise, I’d have to say Lemony Snicket.  He’s a brilliant author, and I’d love to get some tips or encouragement from him.

11. Star Wars or Lord of the Rings? 0=D

Lord of the Rings, hands down (though I do love Star Wars quite a bit).


I nominate my friend Jacob Cullum at 3rd Rule Productions.  And here are my questions for you, good sir:

1.  You have the option to see Skillet or RED in concert, but you can only go to one.  Which one do you choose?

2.  Favorite TV show?

3.  What did you think of Guardians of the Galaxy?

4.  What’s your most favorite designing program?

5.  Justice League or the Avengers?

6.  What are your college plans (or your plans for afterwards, if you’re already a college student)?

7.  What project are you the most proud of?

8.  How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

9.  PC or Mac?

10.  Favorite story/memory about a family member?

11.  Favorite Bible verse?

Thanks again for the nomination, Grace!  It was quite fun getting to answer your questions.  =D

Until next time, God bless you guys!


– Chrisi –

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